How does SharePoint ECM work?
Getting around and using SharePoint ECM is simple and intuitive
Structured intuitively
If you use the internet, SharePoint ECM will feel very familiar to you.
If you have access to Business activity and/or Project sites, most users will be able to access these sites from the side navigation.
Select each site icons to find out more.

Find your team administration content on team sites. You’ll have access to documents like:
- team management documents such as business plans, business support, standards and agreements, team planning and training
- policies and procedures
- meeting agendas, minutes and related documents
- reference materials such as templates, manuals and FAQs
- documents supporting administration or management of your team.
Business activity
Documents created or added for your team’s core work function will be stored on business activity sites.
These sites will include subsites and libraries specific to your team’s needs and tailored to your team’s work processes.
Documents for projects outside of business as usual are included in project sites. These sites are particularly useful for projects where cross team collaboration is required.
Permissions are site-based

Permissions in SharePoint ECM use simple site-based access levels. You will have access to most information with the exception of sensitive and/or confidential information.
Owner level access is for IT administrators and records management. The owner is responsible for setting up new sites, site architecture and site permissions.
You will have Member access to documents in your team sites, associated business activity sites and relevant project sites. This access enables you to contribute to all documents within a site including adding, creating and amending.
If you require Member access to a site you don’t currently have access to, please contact the IT Service Desk.
When you perform a search, you will see results from sites where you are a member or visitor.
Visitor access to a site means you can view the content but not edit the documents within a site.
This is particularly useful for situations where concurrent project teams need to be able to see each other’s content, but don’t need to edit it.
Your search results will also display documents from sites for which you have Visitor access.
No access
Generally, everything that can be shared will be shared in SharePoint ECM. However, sites containing highly sensitive information may be restricted, meaning that only some users will have access to them.
Navigation like you’re used to...
The use of internet-like menus and Microsoft Office-style ribbons, means you’ll feel familiar when start navigating through SharePoint ECM.
Select each button to learn about the main navigation elements.

From this menu you can:
- navigate to the sites you have Member or Visitor access to
- access OneDrive where you can store personal information and see details of documents you are following
- view a Newsfeed where you and other staff members across ASIC can share work-related ideas and information
- view your Followed Sites.

Similar to Microsoft Office, you can use the ribbon to work with site libraries and documents.
- the Page ribbon appears when you are on a landing page. From here you can manage and edit the page.
- the File ribbon provides options for working with documents. From here you can create or upload new documents, share documents and view properties and version histories of specific documents.
- the Library ribbon enables you to filter and change how you view documents within a library as well as to share and export libraries. You can use Connect to Office to add a library to the Save, Save as and Open dialogs in your Office applications.
The side menu gives you more contextual navigation options with links to select lists and libraries of the current site. It can also contain links to subsites and pages of the current site.

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